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首页 > 供应产品 > 黑可可粉 黑可可粉厂家 碳黑可可粉
黑可可粉 黑可可粉厂家 碳黑可可粉
产品: 浏览次数:901黑可可粉 黑可可粉厂家 碳黑可可粉 
品牌: wellmix
规格: WMS200B
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-11-13 13:13

【品 牌】:【wellmix】【品 名】:黑可可粉【产品 编 号】:W200B【规 格】:1*25kg/袋(净含量)【感官 指标】:纯可可芳香,深黑色【理化 指标】:含脂量:10-12%;细度:99.2%;水分含量:5% ;PH值:9.2-9.9【微生物指标】:符合国家可可粉行业标准GB/T20706-2006 【生 产 厂家】:常州味美思可可食品有限公司【产 地】:中国.江苏.常州【保 质 期】:2年(原包装)【储 藏 条件】:置于通分阴凉通风处,远离异味。【生 产 日期】:2014年8月【配 料】:纯可可豆、可可仁、可可饼。【温 馨 提示】:可能含有微量麸质【使用 说 明】:本产品是用来生产和制作黑巧克力、黑饼干、糖果、面包、烘焙、冷饮、糕点等主要原料,如果调制冲饮等固体饮料也可以。另外,本可可粉不含糖、奶粉等食品原料,如果直接饮用味道有些苦,建议加些糖或蜂蜜饮用。 【可可粉加工的简介】:黑可可粉是由天然有机可可豆经过清杂、焙炒、脱壳、磨浆、压榨、制粉等多道工序精制而成,颜色有棕黄色、深棕色、红色、黑色不等,其中纯可可脂的含量在10-12%;香味香醋,口感细腻,本可可粉中不含杂质、无糖、无焦味及没有添加任何添加剂。 是生产巧克力、冰淇淋、糖果、糕点及其它含可可食品的主要原料。【可可粉中含有的营养成分】:黑可可粉中含有丰富的蛋白质、多种氨基酸、高热量脂肪、铜、铁、锰、锌、磷、钾、维生素A、维D、维E、维B1、维B2、维B6及多种生物活性功能的生物碱,主要用于调色或增香;可可粉中的生物碱具有促进健胃、刺激胃液分泌,促进蛋白质消化。国外的科学家经过多年的研究发现:可可粉中的化学成份可以有效病、糖尿病、高血压以及血管性疾病等的发生;另外,可可粉中有一种名为黄烷醇的植物化学成份,能促进人体血液循环。【可可文化】:一.可可的起源:The genus Theobroma originated millions of years ago in South America, to the east of the Andes. Theobroma has been divided into twenty-two species of which T. cacao is the most widely known. It was the Maya who provided tangible evidence of cacao as a domesticated crop. Archaeological evidence in Costa Rica indicates that cacao was drunk by Maya traders as early as 400 BC. The Aztec culture, dominant in Mesoamerica from the fourteenth century to the Conquest, placed much emphasis on the sanctity of cacao. The first outsider to drink chocolate was Christopher Columbus, who reached Nicaragua in 1502 searching for a sea route to the spices of the East. But it was Herman Cortés, leader of an expedition in 1519 to the Aztec empire, who returned to Spain in 1528 bearing the Aztec recipe for xocoatl (chocolate drink) with him. The drink was initially received unenthusiastically and it was not until sugar was added that it became a popular drink in the Spanish courts.可可属类起源于南美洲的安第斯山脉以东地区,当时的可可物种多大20多种,其中可可是好的品种之一。是当时的玛雅人发现了可可的神奇价值,有证据证明玛雅人早在公元前400年就从事可可贸易。在阿兹特克文化中在中美洲地区视可可为神圣的物品。早发现可可作为饮品的外来者是在1502年探索美洲的哥伦布,他把得到可可带回西班牙,献给了国王同时也把当时制作可可的加工方法也带回了西班牙王室,开始是没有加任何东西可可是不受欢迎,后来加上糖在西班牙王室里非常的受欢迎。二、可可的产地Cocoa is produced in countries in a belt between 10ºN and 10ºS of the Equator, where the climate is appropriate for growing cocoa trees. The largest producing countries are Côte dIvoire, Ghana and Indonesia.可可豆只能种植在赤道上下两极10-20度范围内,这个范围内非常适合可可树的生长。世界的可可产地是科特迪瓦、加纳和亚洲的印度尼西亚。三、可可粉的详细加工过程:Step 1. The cocoa beans are cleaned to remove all extraneous material. 清渣:可可豆加工前要清渣去掉混在可可豆中的渣子保持可可豆的纯净。Step 2. To bring out the chocolate flavors and color, the beans are roasted. The temperature, time and degree of moisture involved in roasting depend on the type of beans used and the sort of chocolate or product required from the process. 发酵过程: 为了保证可可制品巧克力等的香味和色泽,要对可可豆进行发酵,这需要掌握时间和温度的控制盒工艺水平的把握程度。Step 3. A winnowing machine is used to remove the shells from the beans to leave just the cocoa nibs. 去壳:就是去除可可豆外表的坚果壳,只保留里面可可仁的过程。Step 4. The cocoa nibs undergo alkalization, usually with potassium carbonate, to develop the flavors and color. 碱化过程:在对可可碎仁进行研磨,经过不断的精磨,同时碱化处理,达到提香的效果。Step 5. The nibs are then milled to create cocoa liquor (cocoa particles suspended in cocoa butter). The temperature and degree of milling varies according to the type of nib used and the product required.研磨:对研磨好的浆料不断进行研磨形成很细的液态物质也就是我们所说的可可液块,熔点38度,常温时是固态。Step 6. Manufacturers generally use more than one type of bean in their products and therefore the different beans have to be blended together to the required formula. 压榨:压榨就是对可可液块进行压榨提取里面油脂(可可脂)的过程。Step 7.The processing now takes two different directions. The cocoa butter is used in the manufacture of chocolate. The cocoa press cake is broken into small pieces to form kibbled press cake, which is then pulverized to form cocoa powder. 制粉:压榨剩余的可可物料就是可可饼快,是块状的。对可可饼进行不断的研磨就是可可粉。
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